DerWhite's 356 Porsche
Sales & Technical Literature!
Updated 3/9/2017
Just the Facts Folks! No Secret Data! and No Gratuitous Assertions!
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This website is about 356 Porsche Factory Sales & Technical Literature 1950-1965!
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This is where you will find NEW ADDITIONS to DerWhite's 356 Porsche Literature Website! As new material is found or contributed by others, it will be posted here initially, and then later integrated into the main website. New material is constantly being discovered, and to the extent possible, it will be included here. Contributions from anyone are solicited and welcome. Source recognition will be given for each image used on this website. This will go a long way towards making this website more complete and more accurate!
Now Available..............!!!
"Little Known Facts about 356 Porsches!"
By: Charlie White
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Little Known Facts about 356 Porsches! 8.5" x 11" Soft Cover, Black Spiral Binding! 240 Pages, ALL COLOR! Hundreds of Color Photographs! Facts Verified with Factory Sources! $79.00 + Postage E-Mail Inquiries: |
"Rebuilding Zenith 32 NDIX Carburetors!"
By: Charlie White
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"Rebuilding Zenith 32 NDIX Carburetors!" 8.5" x 11" Soft Cover Format, Black Spiral Binding! 90+Pages, ALL COLOR! 150+ Photographs! $43.00 + Postage E-Mail Inquiries: |
. "DerWhite's Porsche Sales & Technical Literature Book!" ....still taking Orders for Immediate Delivery! .
"DerWhite's 356 Porsche Sales and Technical
If you like this website, you'll love this book!
Yet Another Record Literature Sale.....on 6/8/08!!!
6/8/08: This has to be ANOTHER record breaking sale at $1,625.00US for the Blue Speedster Brochure which sold on Ebay! For Speedster owners this has to be the brochure to get to go with your Speedster! Have never seen it bring this high a price! (M&M 75). (posted 6/9/08) |
![]() Workshop Manuals, Parts Books, Exploded-View Part Diagrams, Wiring Diagrams, & Service Bulletins! . |
What's Wrong with this Picture?
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Nothing Wrong........!!! |
"What's Wrong with this Picture" is a series of pictures of 356 Porsches that will change periodically!
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356 Porsche Factory Sales Literature 1950-1965!
(1) "The Gmund Brochure" above is probably one of the first formal brochures printed by Porsche in mid-1948, and is clearly one of the rarest, if not the rarest, Porsche sales brochure ever published. It is commonly known as the "Gmund Brochure" and is a simple four page folder with black and white drawings on a red background. Inside and on the back cover are more drawings (the convertible version is shown below), and technical information. The artwork was done by Ernst von Demar who also did the artwork on other Porsche brochures. DerWhite's rarity index for this brochure is the maximum XXXXXX!
In August 2003, after twenty five years of searching, this author was finally able to acquire one of these very rare brochures. Oddly enough, it came up for auction on Ebay, although it was not properly described. This may account for the fact that there weren't many bidders. Also the possibility that it was a FAKE probably scared some bidders away as the Seller was not a known Porsche literature seller. The brochure arrrived and after careful examination, it is definitely an original, and will be carefully preserved! (Rarity Index XXXXXX) (M&M #6).
More Images from inside the brochure.
Scroll down, and you will find more examples of 356 Porsche Showroom Sales Literature. The images show the covers of Porsche 356 sales brochuresfrom 1950 to 1965.
DerWhite's other related Websites about "356" Porsches..............!!!
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Early 356 Porsche Production Numbers:
Year | 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 | 1960 |
# all units | 250 | 1,104 | 1,304 | 1,978 | 2,180 | 2,891 | 4,246 | 5,166 | 5,974 | 7,100 | 8,500 |
Source: "The Inside Story of the Porsche Family", included in a Porsche Factory Press Package, dated 1961 (est.)
356 Porsche Factory "VIN" Serial Numbers:
For accurate information about 356 Porsche chassis serial numbers, engine serial numbers, or transaxle serial numbers, go to Eric Cherneff's website at:
Type in the serial number and learn the type of chassis, engine or transaxle, the year it was manufactured, and the model year. Great source of information if you're doing reserach on your 356 Porsche.
DerWhite's Rarity Index....!!
DerWhite's Rarity Index grades each sales brochure on a 1 to 6 scale, according to how rare or difficult it is to find. 1X for common to 6X for extremely rare. This is, of course, a subjective opinion which is only as good as the opinion of any other serious collector. Your comments are always welcome!
M&M Numbers.....What are they....?
After a short description of each brochure shown in this website, you will find an "M&M" number, which stands for the page number in the book titled: "PORSCHE: Brochures and Sales Literature, a Source Book 1948-1965" by Richard F. Merritt and Susann C. Miller, first published in 1978, and now out of print, that shows the brochure. This book has been the bible of 356 Porsche literature collecting since its publication. The original book was upgraded to a hardcover version shown below, and now available again in a new revised version currently available at the following website:
Soft Cover Early Version Later Hard Cover Version Currently Available New Version
Edition Dates.....Different Printing Dates for same Brochure!
Many Porsche sales brochures were printed in various editions, meaning a lot was printed on one date, and then another lot was printed on a later date, and so on. Some brochures were printed with several edition dates. In some instances, the content of the brochure was changed slightly. Also, many of the brochures were printed in various languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, and more. Below the image of each brochure, you will see the various known edition dates, and language versions. In the future, images showing the differences will also be shown.
Below are scanned images of actual Porsche 356 showroom sales brochures!
Two of the Very Best 356 Sales Brochures......!
(2) "1957 Carrera Brochure" for the 356-A Carrera. A very rare and collectable brochure. One of these rare brochures sold for $760.00 on January 13, 1999 on the popular eBay Auction. (Rarity Index - XXXX) (M&M #127).
"Speedster Girl" is a set of photos not in the brochure, taken at Morgensen Motors in Phoenix, Arizona when that Speedster was NEW!
(3) The "Blue Speedster Brochure" for the classic Porsche 356 Speedster, also a highly collectable brochure. Images of this brochure and the Carrera 57 brochure above are great for framing. See information below about obtaining color reproductions of these images suitable for framing! (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M #75).
356 Pre-A Sales Brochures:
Back Cover Image from inside brochure
(4) A very early 1950's "Blue 356 Pre-A Brochure", possibly the first "full-color" brochure produced by Porsche. Notice the two-piece split windshield. The artwork for this brochure was drawn by Ernst von Demar who also did the artwork for the Gmund brochure. The Porsche pictured on the cover represents the first steel-bodywork Porsches produced at the factory at Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen. This brochure is difficult to find and very collectable. (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M #11).
Above and below are portions of pages found inside the brochure.
(5) "Yellow 356 Pre-A brochure" was probably published in late 1951 or early 1952. The cover art is by Eric Strenger who did the art work for most of the 356 Porsche sales brochures through 1965. If you look carefully, you can see "51" in his signature block below the back wheel. (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M #15).
Front Cover Back Cover
(6) This early "Split-Window Folder" was probably published by Compeition Motors, the California Distributor for Porsche in the early 1950's. The brochure does not have a printing date although someone wrote the date January 7, 1952 on the cover. In the specs section on the back cover, it refers to the Series "America" and the Series "Super", referring to the engine options. Another interesting comment on the back cover: "Series Super models are equipped with extra oil system, sodium cooled exhaust valves, two sunvisors, reclining passenger seat, aluminum finned wheel discs, TELEFUNKEN Radio and occassional rear seat". (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M-NA).
Beware of "FAKES" of the above Blue "Circle of Coupes" Brochure!!
(7&8) The "Circle of Coupes Brochures". There are two of them, one Blue and the other Green, otherwise, they are just about exactly the same. The green brochure has a printing date of 5/54 while the blue brochure has a printing date of 10/54. Inside, there several very minor differences in the specifications presented. No known reasons for the different color presentations. Both brochures are for 356 Pre-A Porsches! (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M 65).
The Colorful 356-Pre-A Series of Sales Flyers.
(9) "Typ 356 Coupe" is a single page sales sheet, in color, part of a series of four printed by Porsche around 1955, one for the 356 Pre-A Coupe, Cabriolet, Speedster & Spyder. The rest of this colorful series are shown below. (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M #56).
(10) "Typ 356 Speedster" is the second of a series of four colorful single page sales and specifications sheets. Also printed in 1955, it is a particularly collectable item for speedster owners, and is not too difficult to find. A framed color reproduction of this brochure cover makes an excellent addition to any speedster owner's picture wall. (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M #60).
(11) "Typ 356 Cabriolet" is a single sheet brochure for the 356 Pre-A cabriolet. The color leaves something to be desired. (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M #58).
(12) This single sheet brochure is for the "Spyder Typ 550 1500 RS" and is part of the 4-brochure series produced in 1955 for the Coupe, Cabriolet, Speedster and Spyder. A very nice collectable set for any 356 Porsche owner. (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M #62).
Click here to see the 1955 Factory Salesman's Binder from which the above pictures come!
Click here to see additional 356 Pre-A Sales Brochures!
Porsche's 25 year Anniversary!
Porsche celebrated its first 25 years on March 17, 1956. Workers at the factory received a 25 year Anniversary Card from Ferry Porsche which included a picture of Ferdinand Porsche, shown below:
356-A Sales Brochures:
Front Cover Back Cover
Inside Pages
(13) This brochure is known as the "Series 1600 & Carrera Brochure". A simple folder, with a bright red cover. Inside are pictures and specifications for the 356-A 1600, the 550 Spyder, and the 356-A Carrera 4-cam models. One of my favorites! (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M 96).
Above is an English version dated February 1956.
Above is the English version for "England" dated October 1955.
Above is the French version with a different color scheme dated October 1955.
(14) "1600 Years Ahead" is striking single sheet with half sheet folder published at various times beginning in 1955 with the introduction of the 356-A 1600. There are various versions of this brochure. This one on top with the maroon background is dated February 1956, and includes the 356-A coupe, cabriolet, speedster, and Spyder 550 1500 RS. The version with the white background is dated October 1955, and is the version used in England, and the version on the bottom with the maroon stripe along the bottom is the French version also dated October 1955. The German language version also has the maroon stripe along the bottom of the front cover. (Rarity Index - X) (M&M 81).
Convertible D Speedster
Cabriolet with Removable Hardtop Cabriolet
Sunroof Coupe
(15) "Racy Elegance" is THE premier slick brochure of the 356-A series. Measuring 8 1/4 x 11 3/4 inches, it contains 20 all-color pages on high quality paper within its shiney covers. Within are lots of pictures and technical information. This item is a MUST for any 356-A owner interested in having an original sales brochure. Its hard to find in really nice condition! Bet on lots of bidders if it comes up for auction on Ebay. This brochure comes in two different versions, the early version which features the Speedster, and a later version which features a Convertible D. Above are the two different pictures included in this brochure. (Rarity - XXX) (M&M 131).
The above version of this brochure includes the Speedster!
Click here to see additional Brochures signed by Erich Strenger!
(16) "Coupe, Convertible, Hardtop, Speedster" is a full-line brochure printed in early 1958. It is fairly common, but has one unusual aspect, that is an almost identical brochure with a blue cover rather than an orange cover. In fact, these two nearly idential brochures are different primarily because the orange brochure includes the "Speester" and the blue brochure includes the "Convertible D". A brochure in my collection, like the one pictured above, was autographed by Eric Strenger, the designer of most of Porsche's 356 sales literature. (Rarity Index - X) (M&M 155).
This version includes the Convertible D!
(17) "Coupe, Cabriolet, Hardtop, Convertible D" is the full-line brochure which includes the Convertible D instead of the Speedster, and was printed in April 1959. Except for its blue cover, and some differences in the specs, it is almost idential to the earlier "orange" version which did not include the Convertible D. Beware of FAKES of the blue covered version! (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M 159).
Two different versions of the Convertible D Brochure. |
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"The new trade name "CONVERTIBLE D" is the model which |
There is NO Speedster D!
(18) The "Rainbow Convertible D" brochure actually comes in two different versions. While the covers and most of the insides of the two versions are the same, the August 1958 version refers to the "Convertible", while the October 1958 version refers to the "Convertible D". The later version is the more difficult to find. NONE of the factory brochures which include this model refer to it as a "Speedster D"! (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M #147).
Convertible D
Click here for the Convertible D Registry Website!
Click here to see additional 356-A Sales Brochures!
356-B T-5 Sales Brochures:
Below are some images from inside the "Roadster Brochure"!
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356-B T-5 Cabriolet |
356-B T-5 Coupe |
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356-B T-5 Hardtop |
356-B T-5 Cabriolet w/Removable Hardtop |
356-B T-5 Roadster |
(19) The "Roadster Brochure" is the only 356 Porsche sales brochure to show the 356-B roadster on the cover. Printed in serveral versions, some with the year on the cover, this nice brochure is very collectable, particularly for roadster owners. (Rarity Index - X) (M&M 198).
(20) "Porsche Tests" is an advertising booklet published by Porsche in 1961. It has 24 pages (only numbered 20) and measures 5 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches. The booklet contains a number of really nice black and white pictures, technical data, and a very nice running narritive in English about all aspects of the 356-B T-5 Porsche. The cover image is interesting in that the rear reflector is shown below the bumper (European version). (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M #185).
(21) Above are the front and rear covers of a "Beutler Porsche" sales brochure, an item that is very hard to find. This rare car was produced as a 4 seater in Thun, Switzerland in 1962. The car uses a 356-B Porsche chassis and engine, and one can see many familiar 356 Porsche parts by looking closely at the picture. (Rarity Index - XXXXX) (M&M 181).
Printing Date: September 1959, German Language Version.
Printing date: January 1960, Swedish Language Version.
Printing date: February 1960, English Language Version.
One of the inside pages of all of the above three brochures!
(22 & 23) These three similar brochures are each generally known as the "Red 356-B Brochures", all are simple, fairly common, but very collectable brochures for the 356-B T-5. The one on the top was printed in September 1959, and by the license plate, you can see that it was for model year 1960. The one in the middle with P O R S C H E top left is a Swedish Language Version published in January 1960. The version on the bottom was printed in February 1960, also for model year 1960. Why there are three versions is hard to say. One obviously is for Sweden. Perhaps better artwork was available for the later version. Cover art for both versions was by Eric Strenger. The rear covers are very different and the drawings of the various models inside the brochure are different. By the way, the "E" in the lower right corner stands for "English". German language versions have a "D", French versions have an "F". (Rarity Index - X) (M&M #163).
Click here to see additional 356-B T-5 Sales Brochures!
356-B T-6 Sales Brochures:
(24) The "356-B Quick Facts Sheet" is a single sheet printed on two sides. It was printed in the USA probably in 1961 for the 356-B T-6's. It is a fairly common piece of 356 Porsche sales literature, but it is a nice addition to any literature collection. (Rarity Index X) (M&M 212).
Version #1 (light band across top of brochure) dated October 1961.
Version #2 (dark band across top of brochure) dated January 1962.
Coupe Cabriolet
Notchback (from Version #1) Cabriolet with Removable Hardtop
356-B T-6 Carrera 2 (Version 1)
(25a & b) This brochure, generally known as the "Diagrams Brochure", was for the 1962 356-B T-6 Porsche. There are a number of versions of this brochure with different printing dates, and some with sligltly different colors on the cover, as seen above. The earlier version includes pictures and information about the Hardtop (Notchback) and the 356-B Carrera 2, and the later version does not. (Rarity Index - X) (M&M #215).
Hardtop Cabriolet Cabriolet
(26) This is the "Porsche-VW Brochure" published for the Porsche 356-B T-6 in late 1962. It is very unusual in that it shows, on the cover, both the Porsche and a VW, perhaps a symbol of the evolution of Porsche design! A very nice item for any Porsche literature collector, and recently this brochure has been getting up there in value! (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M #214).
Separate Price List Folder
(27) This is another rare 356 Porsche sales brochure published exclusively for the "Carrera 2", which was distinguished from other 356 Porsches of the time by its "hotter" 4-Cam motor. Today, Carreras are probably the most sought after of 356 Porsches. There are 356-B and 356-C versions of this brochure. The differences are primarily in the text on the inside and back cover of the brochure. The printing date W295 3M 5.62 is for the "B" version, and W295 3M 12.63 is for the "C" version. Both are highly collectable. The separate price list folder is dated 10.62 and covers the 356-B version. A Carrera Cabriolet had a base price of $6,212.00 (I know, its hard to read on the scan!). (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M 233).
(28) "Driving in its Purest Form" is a 356-B brochure printed in 1963 for the 356-B T-6. It is often mistaken for a 356-C brochure. The cover and most of the insides are black and white with some color highlights. Item is not very common. (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M 239).
(29) This is the first of the "Ken Purdy Brochures". This item for the 356-B T-6 was published in the USA by Porsche America Corp. This brochure appeared as a brochure, and as a magazine insert. There are two versions. The magazine insert version differs only slightly from the brochure version. This brochure is very common, but is a nice collectable for your 356-B T-6 owner. It can be found in many sports car magazines, including the March 1963 issue of Road & Track shown above! (Rarity Index - 0) (M&M-NA).
Click here to see additional 356-B T-6 Sales Brochures!
356-C Sales Brochures:
Above is the sales brochure.
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These single page magazine ads featuring the same cover as the factory sales brochure, appeared in many sports car magazines of the middle 1960's like Road & Track, Car & Driver, and many more. It was fairly common for Porsche to use the same image in many different forms of advertising. This image of the red Coupe on a mountain road appeared as stand alone single page ads, a magazine ad supplement, and a separate factory sales brochure. |
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(30) This "Odd 356-C brochure" (sometimes magazine insert and the cover sometimes a magazine ad), was printed in the USA probably in 1964 by Porsche of America Corp. It consists of a full color folder, with a 12 page black and white insert stapled inside titled: "The Porsche Story" by Ken Purdy. The insert details the history of Porsche and includes some interesting technical information about the 356-C's. Another odd aspect of this brochure is that many of the color pictures are actually of 356-B's with the "C" changes airbrushed in. These changes include the hubcaps, which are different on C's, and the "C" script on the rear. Notice the grey 356 in the upper left hand corner! (Rarity Index - X) (M&M-NA).
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Images from the "Porsche Script" Brochure. |
(31) The "Porsche Script Brochure" is unusual in that it is undated, but it was published in Germany with a typical Porsche document number (W21e). Untypically, the brochure is published in relatively course paper compared to the slick paper used for most factory sales brochures. I have this brochure in three language versions: English, German and Italian. (Rarity Index-XXX) (M&M 311 in the hardbound edition).
(32) The "C Dealer Brochure" is a 4-page black and white sales folder and is a Dealer Brochure, published in 1965 by Concours Motors in Wisconsin. The cover shows an early 356-C. Notice the smooth hubcaps without Porsche crest emblem, and the NJ licence plate. Inside and on the back cover are pictures and graphics "borrowerd" from factory sales brochures of the period. (Rarity Index - XXX) (M&M-NA).
Above brochure autographed by Erich Strenger, the brochure's designer!
W22e 5M 9.63 G (English), W32 20M 9.63 G (German),
W22f 10M 9.63 G (French), W22f 10M 10.63 G (French),
W22e 5M 10.63 G (English), W22 10M 1.64 G (German)
Contrary to what some believe, early 356-C's came with flat disc brake hubcaps without crests. |
(33) The "Red Gloved Hand brochure" aka "Driving in its Finest Form brochure" for the 356-C. The image shown above depicts the German language version, and is autographed by Eric Strenger, the designer of Porsche sales brochures throughout the 356 era. The autograph came on the occassion of meeting Mr. Strenger at a major American Porsche event. English and French language versions are also included in my collection. (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M #251).
W22 10M 3.64 Gl (German), W22e 15M 3.64 Gl (English),
W22 15M 10.64 Gl (German), W22e 15M 10.64 Gl (English),
W22 10M 6.64 Gl (German), W22 15M 10.64 Gl (German).
These two images from the March 1964 356-C brochure, shown above, clearly show silver crests.
(34) This is the "Green & Yellow 356-C Brochure", possibly the last full line 356-C brochure published before the end of the 356 series and the beginning of the 911/912 series. It is very desirable and collectable, and is increasing rapidly in value. Again, this brochure shows evidence of airbrushing 356-B photos to make them look like 356-C's. (Rarity Index - XX) (M&M # 273).
There are several versions of this 356-C Brochure!
No printing date found. Three versions: (1) with hole in
front cover, (2) without hole, (3) rough paper cover with hole.
These images came from an undated 356-C brochure, shown above, printed in late 1964 or early 1965 and show enamel crested hubcaps.
(35) "The White C Brochure": This brochure for the 356-C was printed in Germany but is undated. The plain white cover has a square cut out hole which shows the back of a white 356-C shown in the picture on the interior page. Pictures on the inside of the brochure show cars with New Jersey licence plates leading to speculation this brochure was produced by Porsche of America Corp. Also, the pictures inside show 356-C's with "crested" hubcaps, suggesting this brochure was printed later in the production run, possibly late 1964 or 1965. There is a version of this brochure without the "hole" in the cover. (Rarity Index - X) (M&M 257).
Click here to see additional 356-C Sales Brochures!
Some Interesting Porsche Race Car Brochures:
(36) The "Porsche 904 Carrera GTS" was designed strictly as a race car. Given that only several hundred of these cars were produced, it is surprising that this nice a brochure was printed. This is a particularly rare and difficult brochure to find. An English language version is even tougher to find. (Rarity Index - XXXX) (M&M 295).
(37) The "Porsche 917 Brochure". The 917 was also strictly a race car, but was not from the "356" era. This is a very rare sales brochure for this very famous Porsche "Legend"! At this writing, a 917 brochure is up for auction on the popular eBay Auction Site at a beginning price of $600.00. (Rarity Index - XXXXX) (M&M #NA).
(38) Another non-356 Porsche race car brochure is for the "Porsche Carrera RS". This brochure is very rare, and recently sold on Ebay for $1,000. It is added here as an addition to the non-racecar 904 and 917 brochures shown above. (Rarity index - XXXXX) (M&M #NA).
Click here for 356 Porsche Literature FAKES....!! A recent auction listing on the Ebay Auction Site prompted me to put together some information to warn 356 Porsche literature collectors, and those just acquiring a brochure for their car, of known literature "FAKES". In this particular instance on Ebay, the person who posted the brochure didn't know it was a reproduction, and withdrew the item when notified. Over the years, there have been a number of 356 Porsche sales brochures that have been reproduced. In addition, a recent effort resulted in the reproduction of a significant number of 356 sales brochures, some originals of which are quite rare. The purpose of the examples shown here is to identify those brochures that have been reproduced, and to point out how to tell a FAKE from an original.
So, what's a "Distler Porsche"?
Ever heard of a "Distler Porsche"? Well, look above! These are the famous Distler 7500 "Electromatic" tin models produced as toys in Germany in the 1950's. They are about ten inches long and come in a variety of colors (red, light blue, mint green, grey, and dark metalic blue). They are battery powered, both "D" cell US batteries, and a German version battery which is available at custom battery stores. They also have workable steering, two forward gears and reverse. The body is tin metal with various plastic parts. The electric clock-works motor and gearing arrangement is a marvel of engineering! A nice original speciman with a box, like the one in the picture above, can easily sell for more than $1,000.00. They do appear for auction quite frequently on the eBay Auction Site. To see more examples, click here:
Click here to see more examples of Distler Porsches!
The 356 Registry:
If you own or if you are interested in 356 Porsches, check out the world's largest club devoted exclusively to these fine German automobiles. Subscribe to the Registry's bi-monthly magazine devoted only to 356 Porsches. Join the Registry "List", an email communications system for Registry members. Learn who's got the parts, where the shows and swapmeets are scheducled, and what's going on in the world of 356 Porsches. Its a very active group and you'll be glad you joined. All this included in the $25 annual membership fee. Click the button below to go directly there. Or if this link doesn't work, the internet address is:
Click here for the #356 Registry Website
Click here for 356 Porsche Factory Technical Manuals FOR SALE!
Charlie White
E-Mail Inquires:
Comments and suggestions regarding this website are always welcome!
This website was designed for educational purposes to document the history of advertising materials for 356 Porsches 1950-1965, and was updated on 1/24/14, and will be continuously updated with additional material. Come back and see!
Go to the top of this website for the information about the book based on this website!
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